California Society Officers
Donald B. Littlefield
Executive Vice President
John R. Ferris
Vice President North
Randy Dhindsa
Vice President South
Brandon Villardi
Vice President Membership
Scott Whitman
Christopher Cerillo
Kevin Bidenkap
Michael R. Hirman, Esq.
Terry L. Briggs
M. Scott Brooks
Rev. Scott Elliott
Dr. Matthew Bowdish, MD
Investment Fund Trustee (2022-2025)
Dr. M. Kent Gregory
Investment Fund Trustee (2023-2026)
Stephen R. Renouf
Investment Fund Trustee (2024-2027)
John L. Dodd, Esq.
Past President
James Klingler
National Trustee
James Klingler
Alternate National Trustee
Daniel McKelvie
Program Administrators
America 250 Committee Chairman
John R. Ferris
Americanism Program Chairman
Duncan Campbell
Assistant Secretary
Stephen Andrews
Audit Committee Chairman
John R. Ferris
Budget and Planning Committee Chairman
John R. Ferris
Bylaws Committee
Stephen R. Renouf
Michael R. Hirman, Esq.
Christopher Cerillo
California Compatriot Editor
John R. Ferris
Children of the American Revolution Liaison – North
Randy Dhindsa
Children of the American Revolution Liaison – South
Ben Hobbins
Chapter Activities Committee Chairman
Brandon Villardi
Chief of Protocol
Brandon Villardi
Color Guard Commander
Brandon Villardi
Color Guard Adjutant – North
Scott Nichols
Color Guard Adjutant – South
Kevin Forrest
Compliance Committee Chairman
Michael Hirman, Esq.
Daughters of the American Revolution Liaison
Brian Stephens
Ethics Committee
Rev. Scott Elliott, Chairman
Michael Hirman, Esq.
Stephen R. Renouf
Flag Committee Co-Chairmen
Randy Dhindsa and Brandon Villardi
Handbook Committee Chairman
Derek Brown
Information Technology Committee Chairman
Greg Hill
Medals and Awards Committee Chairman
Greg Owens
Media and Public Relations Committee Chairman
David A. Gilliard
Meetings and Credentials Committee Chairman
John R. Ferris
Membership Committee Chairman
Scott Whitman
Nominating Committee Chairman
Craig Anderson
Operation Ancestor Search Chairman
Patriot Research System Coordinator
Randy Dhindsa
Public Service and Heroism Awards Chairman
Brian Stephens
Spanish Patriot Research Coordinator
Paul Garcia
Veterans Programs Chairman
Phil Mitchell
Wreaths Across America Committee Chairman
Phil Mitchell
Education & Youth Program Chairmen
Youth Activities Director
Dan McKelvie
Elementary School Poster Contest
David A. Gilliard
Middle School Brochure Contest
Danny Shurtz
Eagle Scout Program
Bill Nay
High School Oration Contest
Mark Torres
Knight Essay Contest
Patrick Cecil, Ph.D
Video Contest
Bruce Wearda
Kevin Forrest
Patriot Chest Program
Mark Torres
Kevin Forrest
Spirit of America Middle School Program
Bob Taylor
Spirit of America High School Youth Leadership Program
Craig Anderson
Valley Forge Teacher Program
Larry Brasher
Dr. Tom and Betty Lawrence American History Teacher Award
David A. Gilliard
List of elected officers reflects updates after the Spring 2024 Meeting of the Membership.
Committee Chairmen are updated as needed under the direction of the President.
If your email address is incorrect or missing, please contact the Webmaster to have your information updated. Thank you.