Seth Warner of the Green Mountain Boys is born

Seth Warner of the Green Mountain Boys is born   On this day in history, May 6, 1743, Seth Warner of the Green Mountain Boys is born. Seth Warner was born in Roxbury, Connecticut and moved to Bennington, Vermont in 1763. Bennington was part of the disputed New Hampshire Grants

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Ben Franklin returns from Great Britain

Ben Franklin returns from Great Britain   On this day in history, May 5, 1775, Ben Franklin returns from Great Britain after having spent much of the previous two decades as a colonial agent in London. Franklin had become independently wealthy by his early 40s due to the success of

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Rhode Island is the first state to declare independence

Rhode Island is the first state to declare independence   On this day in history, May 4, 1776, Rhode Island is the first state to declare independence from Great Britain. Rhode Island had an independent streak from its very beginnings. The colony was founded by Roger Williams, a Baptist minister

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Loyalist publisher Margaret Green Draper is born

Loyalist publisher Margaret Green Draper is born   On this day in history, May 3, 1727, Loyalist publisher Margaret Green Draper is born in Boston. Margaret would be a staunch Loyalist supporter of the British in the opening days of the American Revolution. She would eventually be forced to flee

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Founding Father Nicholas Gilman dies

Founding Father Nicholas Gilman dies   On this day in history, May 2, 1814, Founding Father Nicholas Gilman dies. Gilman was from a politically prominent family in New Hampshire. His father was a member of New Hampshire’s Provincial Congress and served as the state’s treasurer during the American Revolution. His

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Brigadier General John Lacey loses the Battle of Crooked Billet

Brigadier General John Lacey loses the Battle of Crooked Billet   On this day in history, May 1, 1778, Brigadier General John Lacey loses the Battle of Crooked Billet. The previous fall had been devastating for the Americans. Philadelphia was captured and the Americans had lost the Battles of Brandywine

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Deborah Sampson dies

Deborah Sampson dies   On this day in history, April 29, 1827, Deborah Sampson dies. She would be one of several women to serve in the Revolutionary War while posing as a man and become the first woman to receive a military pension for serving in the war.   Deborah

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President James Monroe is born

President James Monroe is born   On this day in history, April 28, 1758, President James Monroe is born into a Westmoreland County, Virginia plantation owning family. He would fight in the American Revolution, be an Ambassador to France, Secretary of State, Secretary of War and the 5th President of

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The House of Commons passes the Tea Act

The House of Commons passes the Tea Act   On this day in history, April 27, 1773, the House of Commons passes the Tea Act, an act which would lead to the Boston Tea Party and plunge Great Britain and her American colonies into war. The colonists in America had

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