Pierre Charles L’Enfant is born

Pierre Charles L’Enfant is born   On this day in history, August 2, 1754, Pierre Charles L’Enfant is born. L’Enfant was a French born engineer and architect who came to America to fight in the American Revolution.  After the Revolution, L’Enfant established an engineering firm and is best known for

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Whiskey rebels gather to march on Pittsburgh

Whiskey rebels gather to march on Pittsburgh   On This Day in History, August 1, 1794, the Whiskey rebels gather to march on Pittsburgh at the height of the Whiskey Rebellion, a tax revolt that threatened to derail the early United States under the new US Constitution.   Farmers on

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Rachel Fletcher confirms the Betsy Ross Flag story

Rachel Fletcher confirms the Betsy Ross Flag story   On this day in history, July 31, 1871, Rachel Fletcher confirms the Betsy Ross Flag story. Rachel was the third daughter of Betsy Ross. Her affidavit is important to the question of whether or not Betsy Ross actually created the first

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George Clinton becomes first governor of New York

George Clinton becomes first governor of New York   On this day in history, July 30, 1777, George Clinton becomes first governor of New York. Clinton would be the longest serving governor in American history, including throughout the time period of the American Revolution and the adoption of the US

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Loyalists win the Battle of the House in the Horseshoe

Loyalists win the Battle of the House in the Horseshoe   On this day in history, July 29, 1781, Loyalists win the Battle of the House in the Horseshoe, a battle that took place at the home of North Carolina militia colonel, Philip Alston. Alston and his men had just

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The Battle of Fort Freeland

The Battle of Fort Freeland   On this day in history, July 28, 1779, the Battle of Fort Freeland clears out the Wyoming Valley for a second time in two years. The Wyoming Valley is part of northeastern and north central Pennsylvania containing the Susquehanna River. At the time of

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The Battle of Ushant

The Battle of Ushant   On this day in history, July 27, 1778, the Battle of Ushant pits a British fleet and a French fleet off the French coast during the American Revolution. 30 British ships and 29 French ships met 100 hundred miles west of Ushant, the northwestern most

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Ben Franklin becomes the first Postmaster General

Ben Franklin becomes the first Postmaster General   On this day in history, July 26, 1774, Ben Franklin becomes the first Postmaster General of the United States. As tensions with Great Britain came to the breaking point, British authorities began using the colonial postal service as a weapon by monitoring

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General Henry Knox is born

General Henry Knox is born   On this day in history, July 25, 1750, General Henry Knox is born. Knox was one of George Washington’s key leaders over the Continental Army and one of his most trusted advisers. Henry Knox was born in Massachusetts and was a member of the

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Charles Thomson resigns as Secretary of Congress

Charles Thomson resigns as Secretary of Congress   On this day in history, July 24, 1789, Charles Thomson resigns as Secretary of Congress. Charles Thomson is a little known, but important Founding Father from Pennsylvania. He served as the longtime secretary of the Continental Congress for its entire 15 years

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