Virginia votes to declare independence

Virginia votes to declare independence   On this day in history, May 15, 1776, Virginia votes to declare independence from Great Britain with the passage of the Virginia Resolution. Tensions had been rising in Virginia, as in the other colonies, for years. Things began to get serious in 1773, when

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Jamestown settlement is founded

Jamestown settlement is founded   On this day in history, May 14, 1607, the Jamestown settlement is founded in Virginia. It would become the first successful English settlement in the Americas. The New World was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492 and this soon brought a host of French, Spanish,

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Captain Abraham Lincoln is born

Captain Abraham Lincoln is born   On this day in history, May 13, 1744, Captain Abraham Lincoln is born – not President Abraham Lincoln, but instead, his grandfather. Abraham’s father’s family settled in Pennsylvania and Abraham was born in Berks County, the first of 9 children. Abraham became a tanner,

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Seth Warner captures Fort Crown Point

Seth Warner captures Fort Crown Point   On this day in history, May 12, 1775, Seth Warner captures Fort Crown Point at the south end of Lake Champlain. In colonial times, Lake Champlain, Lake George and the Hudson River formed the border between the French and British colonies and the

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General Thomas Sumter captures Orangeburg

General Thomas Sumter captures Orangeburg   On this day in history, May 11, 1781, General Thomas Sumter captures Orangeburg, South Carolina, as the American patriots sweep across South Carolina and Georgia in their efforts to recover the south. General Nathanael Greene took over the crumbling American defense of the south

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Paul Revere dies

Paul Revere dies   On this day in history, May 10, 1818, Paul Revere dies. You probably know about his famous midnight ride, but Paul Revere’s life was much more than a single horse ride. Revere was the son of a French immigrant father and native Boston mother. Revere’s father,

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American General Benjamin Lincoln dies

American General Benjamin Lincoln dies   On this day in history, May 9, 1810, American General Benjamin Lincoln dies. Benjamin Lincoln was born into a prominent family in Hingham, Massachusetts, 16 miles southeast of Boston, in 1733. His father was wealthy and politically active and Benjamin followed in his footsteps,

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American General John Stark dies

American General John Stark dies   On this day in history, May 8, 1822, American General John Stark dies. John Stark was a Revolutionary War hero from New Hampshire, especially known for his victory at the Battle of Bennington. Stark was born in 1728 to Irish immigrants who settled in

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John Hancock writes of his arrival in New York City

John Hancock writes of his arrival in New York City   On this day in history, May 7, 1775, John Hancock writes of his arrival in New York City to great fanfare on his way to attend the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia. When Hancock arrived there, throngs of people

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