Captain Nicholas Biddle is born

Captain Nicholas Biddle is born   On this day in history, September 10, 1750, Captain Nicholas Biddle is born in Philadelphia. Biddle was one of the first naval captains appointed by the Continental Congress. As a young teenager, Biddle became a sailor and voyaged to the Caribbean where he was

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New Jersey patriot William Paterson dies

New Jersey patriot William Paterson dies   On this day in history, September 9, 1806, New Jersey patriot William Paterson dies. Paterson was a leading figure of the American Revolution in New Jersey. He helped write the US Constitution, the laws of the State of New Jersey and served as

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The American Turtle attacks the HMS Eagle

The American Turtle attacks the HMS Eagle   On this day in history, September 7, 1776, the American Turtle attacks HMS Eagle in the first naval attack ever made in a submarine. The Turtle, also called the American Turtle, was designed by David Bushnell of Westbrook, Connecticut in 1775. While

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Brigadier General Enoch Poor dies

Brigadier General Enoch Poor dies   On this day in history, September 8, 1780, Brigadier General Enoch Poor dies in what would be one of the great mysteries of the American Revolution. Did Poor die of typhus, or did he die in a secret duel  that was covered up by

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The Worcester Revolt

The Worcester Revolt   On this day in history, September 6, 1774, the Worcester Revolt embodies the real beginning of the American Revolution. You have probably never heard of the Worcester Revolt, but this event that occurred 9 months before the fighting at Lexington and Concord probably deserves the title,

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The Continental Congress meets for the first time

The Continental Congress meets for the first time   On this day in history, September 5, 1774, the Continental Congress meets for the first time. The First Continental Congress met in response to Parliament’s Coercive Acts, which were passed to punish the colonists for the Boston Tea Party. The Coercive

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The Swamp Fox wins the Battle of Blue Savannah

The Swamp Fox wins the Battle of Blue Savannah   On this day in history, September 4, 1780, the Swamp Fox wins the Battle of Blue Savannah. Lieutenant Colonel Francis Marion was a continual thorn in the side of the British who occupied South Carolina. After a successful invasion captured

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The Battle of Cooch’s Bridge

The Battle of Cooch’s Bridge   On this day in history, September 3, 1777, the Battle of Cooch’s Bridge is the only battle of the American Revolution to take place in Delaware. It is also the first battle during which the American flag is flown.   British General William Howe

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The Independence Hurricane hits the American Colonies

The Independence Hurricane hits the American Colonies   On this day in history, September 2, 1775, the Independence Hurricane hits the American colonies as the American Revolution is beginning. It would be the 8th deadliest Atlantic hurricane of all time and would portend victory in the battle against Great Britain

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McCulloch’s Leap

McCulloch’s Leap   On this day in history, September 1, 1777, McCulloch’s Leap goes down as one of the greatest escapes of the American Revolution, when Major Samuel McCulloch jumps over a 300 foot cliff from attacking Indians to safety.   Fort Henry had guarded the small village of Wheeling

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