Savannah, Georgia is captured by the British army

Savannah, Georgia is captured by the British army   On this day in history, December 29, 1778, Savannah, Georgia is captured by the British Army in the First Battle of Savannah, the first strike of the new British southern campaign aimed at taking back control of the rebellious southern colonies.

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Ben Franklin publishes first Poor Richard’s Almanack

Ben Franklin publishes first Poor Richard’s Almanack   On this day in history, December 28, 1732, Ben Franklin publishes the first Poor Richard’s Almanack. Franklin would publish the almanac for the next 25 years, becoming rich and famous in the process. Poor Richard’s Almanac contained weather predictions, witty sayings, poems,

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The Battle of Cedar Bridge is fought

The Battle of Cedar Bridge is fought   On this day in history, December 27, 1782, the Battle of Cedar Bridge is fought near Manahawkin, New Jersey. One of the last skirmishes of the Revolutionary War, the Battle of Cedar Bridge was a fight between Loyalist holdouts and New Jersey

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The Americans win the Battle of Trenton

The Americans win the Battle of Trenton   On this day in history, December 26, 1776, the Americans win the Battle of Trenton, reversing a series of defeats and proving the Continental Army had what it took to compete against the British. The victory came after months of losses for

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George Washington crosses the Delaware River

George Washington crosses the Delaware River   On this day in history, December 25, 1776, George Washington crosses the Delaware River on Christmas Day with the Continental Army on their way to attack the Hessians at Trenton, New Jersey. The attack had been planned in secret and was a “Hail

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Esek Hopkins appointed CommanderChief of Continental Navy

Esek Hopkins appointed Commander-in-Chief of Continental Navy   On this day in history, December 22, 1775, Esek Hopkins is appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Navy. The Continental Congress had begun the process of establishing a Navy in October of 1776 by passing resolutions to purchase and arm four ships. Soon

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