George Washington takes Dorchester Heights

George Washington takes Dorchester Heights   On this day in history, March 4, 1776, George Washington takes Dorchester Heights, forcing the British to abandon Boston within weeks. After the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the local militia and the Continental Army surrounded the British troops in Boston in a siege

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Patriots lose the Battle of Brier Creek

Patriots lose the Battle of Brier Creek   On this day in history, March 3, 1779, patriots lose the Battle of Brier Creek. British Lieutenant Colonel Archibald Campbell had captured Augusta, Georgia in January, 1778. Gathering American troops across the Savannah River made Campbell nervous, however, and he abandoned Augusta

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The Battle of the Rice Boats begins

The Battle of the Rice Boats begins   On this day in history, March 2, 1776, the Battle of the Rice Boats begins. After the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the British army retreated to Boston and was held captive there by the Continental Army for almost an entire year.

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Pennsylvania begins a gradual abolition of slavery

Pennsylvania begins a gradual abolition of slavery   On this day in history, March 1, 1780, Pennsylvania begins a gradual abolition of slavery, becoming the first state to make official efforts to abolish slavery. The act, called An Act for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery, did not eliminate slavery all

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Colonel William Washington is born

Colonel William Washington is born   On this day in history, February 28, 1752, Colonel William Washington is born. He was a second cousin of George Washington who trained to be a minister as a young man. When the Revolution broke out, he joined the local minutemen and became a

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The Battle of Moore’s Creek Bridge

The Battle of Moore’s Creek Bridge   On this day in history, February 27, 1776, the Battle of Moore’s Creek Bridge ends British rule in North Carolina. Governor Josiah Martin had been living in exile aboard a ship off the coast since July of 1775 after a popular uprising. In

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Sybil Ludington, the female Paul Revere, dies

Sybil Ludington, the female Paul Revere, dies   On this day in history, February 26, 1839, Sybil Ludington, the female Paul Revere, dies. Sybil Ludington is famed for a midnight ride just like Revere’s when she was only 16 to raise the New York militia when the British raided Danbury,

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Charles Cotesworth Pinckney is born

Charles Cotesworth Pinckney is born   On this day in history, February 25, 1746, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney is born. Pinckney was born to a wealthy South Carolina family and was educated in London. He earned a law degree and returned to South Carolina where he began a law practice in

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Pyle’s Massacre takes place in North Carolina

Pyle’s Massacre takes place in North Carolina   On this day in history, February 24, 1781, Pyle’s Massacre takes place in North Carolina. The Patriot army had retreated into Virginia after the Battle of Cowpens in January. British General Lord Charles Cornwallis was camped at Hillsboro, North Carolina, recruiting local

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Baron von Steuben arrives at Valley Forge

Baron von Steuben arrives at Valley Forge   On this day in history, February 23, 1778, Baron von Steuben arrives at Valley Forge. Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben was born in Prussia. He joined the army at 17 and saw extensive service during the Seven Years War in battles with

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