John Paul Jones attacks Whitehaven, England

John Paul Jones attacks Whitehaven, England   On this day in history, April 23, 1778, John Paul Jones attacks Whitehaven, England, the only attack of the American Revolution on the British homeland and the first successful invasion of England in more than 700 years.   John Paul Jones sailed from

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Nathan Hale decides to join the American Revolution

Nathan Hale decides to join the American Revolution   On this day in history, April 22, 1775, Nathan Hale decides to join the American Revolution. Hale was from a New England family that dated back to the founding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He grew up in a large farming

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George Washington welcomed by the citizens of Trenton

George Washington welcomed by the citizens of Trenton   On this day in history, April 21, 1789, George Washington is welcomed by the citizens of Trenton, New Jersey at the Assunpink Creek Bridge as he travels to New York to be inaugurated president. The bridge was the site of Washington’s

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Tensions in Virginia lead to the Gunpowder Incident

Tensions in Virginia lead to the Gunpowder Incident   On this day in history, April 20, 1775, tensions in Virginia lead to the Gunpowder Incident in Williamsburg, Virginia, when Governor John Murray confiscates the colonists’ gunpowder. Tensions with England had been increasing for several years, but when Boston was occupied,

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The American Revolution begins

The American Revolution begins   On this day in history, April 19, 1775, the American Revolution begins when the first shots are fired at the Battles of Lexington and Concord. British troops had been occupying Boston for several years by this time, but their presence was increased after the Boston

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Paul Revere makes his famous midnight ride

Paul Revere makes his famous midnight ride   On this day in history, April 18, 1775, Paul Revere makes his famous midnight ride to warn the countryside that the British Regulars were coming. Revere was one of the most well-connected and trusted patriots of the inner circle of patriot leaders

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Benjamin Franklin dies

Benjamin Franklin dies   On this day in history, April 17, 1790, Benjamin Franklin dies in Philadelphia. Franklin is one of the most well-known and beloved Founding Fathers of the United States. Ben Franklin was born in Boston to a tallow chandler, meaning his father made candles and soap from

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General, Sir Henry Clinton is born

General, Sir Henry Clinton is born   On this day in history, April 16, 1730, General, Sir Henry Clinton is born. Clinton would be in charge of the British forces for North America through much of the Revolutionary War and would ultimately go down in defeat for losing the American

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Artist Charles Willson Peale is born

Artist Charles Willson Peale is born   On this day in history, April 15, 1741, Artist Charles Willson Peale is born. Peale would become one of the most prolific painters of prominent figures of the American Revolution. He was born in Queen Anne’s County, Maryland and trained as a maker

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