French forces attempt to break the Siege of Cuddalore

French forces attempt to break the Siege of Cuddalore   On this day in history, June 25, 1783, French forces attempt to break the Siege of Cuddalore, India, the last battle of the American Revolution. You may wonder what a battle in India had to do with the American Revolution!

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Congress to Imprison Gov. William Franklin

Congress to Imprison Gov. William Franklin   On this day in history, June 24, 1776, Congress resolves to imprison Governor William Franklin of New Jersey in Connecticut. Franklin was the son of Benjamin Franklin. He had been the Royal Governor of New Jersey since 1763. William Franklin was an acknowledged,

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Patriots win the Battle of Springfield

Patriots win the Battle of Springfield   On this day in history, June 23, 1780, patriots win the Battle of Springfield, the last major battle of the American Revolution in the north. British Commander-in-Chief, General, Sir Henry Clinton had left New York to conquer Charleston, South Carolina in December of

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Nathanael Greene becomes a general in the Continental Army

Nathanael Greene becomes a general in the Continental Army   On this day in history, June 22, 1775, Nathanael Greene becomes a general in the Continental Army. He would eventually become George Washington’s right hand man and be known as Washington’s most able general. Greene was from Rhode Island and

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New Hampshire ratifies the US Constitution

New Hampshire ratifies the US Constitution   On this day in history, June 21, 1788, New Hampshire ratifies the US Constitution. The 9th state to do so, this ratification makes the new Constitution the official law of the land, according to its requirement that 9 of the original 12 involved

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The Great Seal of the United States is adopted

The Great Seal of the United States is adopted   On this day in history, June 20, 1782, the Great Seal of the United States is adopted by the Continental Congress. Congress first appointed a committee to create the Great Seal on July 4, 1776, shortly after approving the Declaration

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The Continental Army leaves Valley Forge

The Continental Army leaves Valley Forge   On this day in history, June 19, 1778, the Continental Army leaves its encampment at Valley Forge in pursuit of the British Army. British General William Howe had captured Philadelphia in September of 1777. George Washington’s Continental Army had tried unsuccessfully to defeat

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The Americans retake Philadelphia

The Americans retake Philadelphia   On this day in history, June 18, 1778, Americans retake Philadelphia after the British army evacuates the city. Philadelphia was captured in September of 1777 by British General William Howe who was hoping to end the American rebellion by cutting off its head in Philadelphia.

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Patriots lose the Battle of Bunker Hill

Patriots lose the Battle of Bunker Hill   On this day in history, June 17, 1775, patriots lose the Battle of Bunker Hill, the first major battle of the American Revolution and the bloodiest of the entire war. The Battle of Bunker Hill began when patriots surrounding Boston learned that

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Mary Katherine Goddard is born

Mary Katherine Goddard is born   On this day in history, June 16, 1738, Mary Katherine Goddard is born. Mary would become one of the most prominent printers of the American Revolution and would print the first copies of the Declaration of Independence that contained the names of all 56

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