Battle of Stony Point Begins

Battle of Stony Point Begins   On this day in history, July 15, 1779, the Battle of Stony Point begins. Led by Brigadier General “Mad” Anthony Wayne, this battle takes back a strategic Hudson River vantage point from the British south of West Point.   During the winter of 1778-79,

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Howe brothers attempt to negotiate with George Washington

Howe brothers attempt to negotiate with George Washington   On this day in history, July 14, 1776, the Howe brothers attempt to negotiate with George Washington. Washington, however, will not receive their letter because it is not addressed properly to “General.”   A massive British fleet arrived in New York’s

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Captain John Parker is born

Captain John Parker is born   On this day in history, July 13, 1729, Captain John Parker is born. Parker was the leader of the militiamen at Lexington, Massachusetts at the outbreak of the American Revolution. John Parker had lived in Lexington his whole life as a farmer and mechanic.

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Admiral Howe’s fleet arrives at Staten Island

Admiral Howe’s fleet arrives at Staten Island   On this day in history, July 12, 1776, Admiral Howe’s fleet arrives at Staten Island. This fleet, along with other ships arriving before and after, carried the largest British expeditionary force to ever be assembled. Along with other British ships in the

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The British evacuate Savannah, Georgia

The British evacuate Savannah, Georgia   On this day in history, July 11, 1782, the British evacuate Savannah, Georgia as the American Revolution comes to a close. Georgia was the site of many bloody battles during the war, many between patriots and Loyalists who were their neighbors or brothers.  

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George Washington picnics at Great Falls

George Washington picnics at Great Falls   On this day in history, July 10, 1778, George Washington picnics at Great Falls with the Marquis de Lafayette and aides Alexander Hamilton and James McHenry. The Great Falls, on New Jersey’s Passaic River, is the second largest waterfall by volume in the

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George Washington makes his headquarters at West Point

George Washington makes his headquarters at West Point   On this day in history, July 8, 1779, George Washington makes his headquarters at West Point, New York, a strategic location on the Hudson River about 50 miles north of New York City. West Point is situated on high ground on

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The Quasi-War with France begins

The Quasi-War with France begins   On this day in history, July 7, 1798, the Quasi-War with France begins. This was an undeclared naval war between the United States and France extending out of continued war between Britain and France after the French Revolution.   A state of war existed

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