Doctor Joseph Warren is born

Doctor Joseph Warren is born   On this day in history, June 11, 1741, Doctor Joseph Warren is born. Warren was one of the key patriot leaders in Boston leading up to the American Revolution. Unfortunately, he was killed early on at the Battle of Bunker Hill, becoming a martyr

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John Hancock’s ship Liberty is confiscated

John Hancock’s ship Liberty is confiscated   On this day in history, June 10, 1768, John Hancock’s ship Liberty is confiscated for alleged smuggling. Many of the measures of Parliament with which the American colonies were in disagreement were created in order to raise revenue. Smuggling was a vast enterprise

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The Gaspee Incident occurs

The Gaspee Incident occurs   On this day in history, June 9, 1772, the Gaspee Incident occurs near Providence, Rhode Island, when citizens burn the British revenue schooner HMS Gaspee and seize its crew. The Gaspee affair was one of a series of important events that lit the fuse to

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James Madison proposes the Bill of Rights

James Madison proposes the Bill of Rights   On this day in history, June 8, 1789, James Madison proposes the Bill of Rights to Congress. Acceptance of the US Constitution had been a long and arduous process. Many people were wary that it would create a federal government that was

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British turned back at the Battle of Connecticut Farms

British turned back at the Battle of Connecticut Farms   On this day in history, June 7, 1780, the British are turned back at the Battle of Connecticut Farms by the New Jersey militia. The winter of 1779-1780 was a difficult one for Americans and British alike. Loyalist refugees congregated

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American Revolution artist John Trumbull is born

American Revolution artist John Trumbull is born   On this day in history, June 6, 1756, American Revolution artist John Trumbull is born. Trumbull was the son of Governor Jonathan Trumbull of Connecticut, the only Royal Governor to side with the patriots during the Revolution. Due to an accident as

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The second Siege of Augusta comes to an end

The second Siege of Augusta comes to an end   On this day in history, June 5, 1781, the second Siege of Augusta comes to an end when patriot forces under General Andrew Pickens, Colonel “Light-Horse Harry” Lee and Colonel Elijah Clarke capture Fort Cornwallis. Augusta was a small trading

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King George III is born

King George III is born   On this day in history, June 4, 1738, King George III is born. He would become the 3rd longest reigning monarch of Great Britain and oversee the loss of Britain’s American colonies during the American Revolution. George William Frederick was the grandson of George

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Jack Jouett becomes the Paul Revere of the South

Jack Jouett becomes the Paul Revere of the South   On this day in history, June 3, 1781, Jack Jouett becomes the “Paul Revere of the South” when he rides all night to warn Virginia Governor Thomas Jefferson and the gathered rebel Virginia Assembly that the British were coming to

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Martha Washington is born

Martha Washington is born   On this day in history, June 2, 1731, Martha Washington is born at her father’s estate in New Kent, County, Virginia. Martha Dandridge was the firstborn child of wealthy planter John Dandridge. As a child, Martha received a basic education, which was unusual for girls

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