French fleet arrives at the Chesapeake Bay

French fleet arrives at the Chesapeake Bay   On this day in history, August 30, 1781, the French fleet arrives at the Chesapeake Bay to assist the Americans in their assault on British General Charles Cornwallis and his 9,000 troops at Yorktown, Virginia. The arrival of the fleet under Admiral

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The Battle of Rhode Island is lost

The Battle of Rhode Island is lost   On this day in history, August 29, 1778, the Battle of Rhode Island is lost. Newport, Rhode Island was one of America’s most important ports prior to and during the American Revolution. After capturing New York City in September of 1776, the

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The American invasion of Quebec begins

The American invasion of Quebec begins   On this day in history, August 28, 1775, the American invasion of Quebec begins, part of the American attempt to secure the French-speaking Quebec in an alliance with the lower 13 colonies during the American Revolution. Quebec had been founded as a French

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George Washington loses the Battle of Long Island

George Washington loses the Battle of Long Island   On this day in history, August 27, 1776, George Washington loses the Battle of Long Island, one of the most important battles of the American Revolution and the largest in terms of the numbers of men involved. After losing Boston to

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A Boston mob destroys the home of Thomas Hutchinson

A Boston mob destroys the home of Thomas Hutchinson   On this day in history, August 26, 1765, a Boston mob destroys the home of Thomas Hutchinson, the Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts, for his support of the Stamp Act. The Stamp Act was passed by Parliament on March 22, 1765

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The Philadelphia Campaign begins

The Philadelphia Campaign begins   On this day in history, August 25, 1777, the Philadelphia Campaign begins when British General William Howe and his brother, Admiral Richard Howe, land 17,000 troops in an armada of 265 ships at Head of Elk, Maryland. The armada was the largest ever assembled in

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Lochry’s Defeat

Lochry’s Defeat   On this day in history, August 24, 1781, Lochry’s Defeat takes place when Colonel Archibald Lochry and his Pennsylvania militia are ambushed by Mohawk chief Joseph Brant. Virginia general George Rogers Clark had tried repeatedly to take an expedition to capture Fort Detroit, the British headquarters in

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George Washington moves into Rockingham House

George Washington moves into Rockingham House   On this day in history, August 23, 1783, George Washington moves into Rockingham House near Rocky Hill, New Jersey, which would serve as his last wartime headquarters of the American Revolution. In the summer of 1783, Congress was waiting to receive word from

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The Battle of Staten Island

The Battle of Staten Island   On this day in history, August 22, 1777, the Battle of Staten Island is lost by Major General John Sullivan. Staten Island was a major British outpost for the entire Revolutionary War. It was the first place in the New York area where British

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Banastre Tarleton is Born

Banastre Tarleton is Born   On this day in history, August 21, 1754, Banastre Tarleton is born. Tarleton is one of the more well-known British officers who served in the American Revolution due to his reputation as a brutal and heartless commander.   Banastre Tarleton (whose first name is pronounced

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