The Battle of Charlotte

The Battle of Charlotte   On this day in history, September 26, 1780, the Battle of Charlotte reveals to British General Charles Cornwallis that he will not have an easy time taking over North Carolina. After the British captured most of Georgia in 1779 and South Carolina in 1780, Cornwallis

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Ethan Allen is captured

Ethan Allen is captured   On this day in history, September 25, 1775, Ethan Allen is captured at the Battle of Longue-Pointe. After capturing Fort Ticonderoga in May of 1775, Allen led a few hundred of the Green Mountain Boys north to capture Fort St. Jean, which guarded the approach

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Chief Justice John Marshall is born

Chief Justice John Marshall is born   On this day in history, September 24, 1755, Chief Justice John Marshall is born, the longest serving Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court in history. Appointed by President John Adams, Marshall was one of the last surviving members of the founding

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Benedict Arnold’s treason is discovered

Benedict Arnold’s treason is discovered   On this day in history, September 23, 1780, Benedict Arnold’s treason is discovered by 3 young patriots who grew suspicious of a passerby who turned out to be British spy, John Andre. The discovery led to the three men’s entry into the hall of

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Nathan Hale is hanged

Nathan Hale is hanged.   On this day in history, September 22, 1776, Nathan Hale is hanged for spying against the British on Long Island. Hale was born in Coventry, Connecticut in 1755. He went to Yale and became a schoolteacher in New London, Connecticut. When the Revolution broke out,

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The Great Fire of New York of 1776

The Great Fire of New York of 1776   On this day in history, September 21, 1776, the Great Fire of New York of 1776 burns down much of the city, less than a week after it was occupied by the army of British General William Howe. Howe marched into

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The Battle of Paoli

The Battle of Paoli   On this day in history, September 20, 1777, the Battle of Paoli seals the fate of Philadelphia, allowing the British to take the city unopposed. British General William Howe had landed 17,000 troops in Maryland on August 25 and begun marching the 60 miles to

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The Battle of Paoli

The Battle of Paoli   On this day in history, September 20, 1777, the Battle of Paoli seals the fate of Philadelphia, allowing the British to take the city unopposed. British General William Howe had landed 17,000 troops in Maryland on August 25 and begun marching the 60 miles to

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The Battle of Freeman’s Farm

The Battle of Freeman’s Farm   On this day in history, September 19, 1777, the Battle of Freeman’s Farm is the first of the Battles of Saratoga which culminated in the surrender of British General John Burgoyne’s army. The battles were a major turning point in the American Revolution that

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The Battle of Freeman’s Farm

The Battle of Freeman’s Farm   On this day in history, September 19, 1777, the Battle of Freeman’s Farm is the first of the Battles of Saratoga which culminated in the surrender of British General John Burgoyne’s army. The battles were a major turning point in the American Revolution that

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