The Battle of Forts Montgomery and Clinton

The Battle of Forts Montgomery and Clinton   On this day in history, October 6, 1777, the Battle of Forts Montgomery and Clinton are lost by the Americans. 1777 brought about a plan by the British government to split off New England from the rest of the colonies. General John

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Congress informed of Dr. Benjamin Church’s treason

Congress informed of Dr. Benjamin Church’s treason   On this day in history, October 5, 1775, Congress is informed of Dr. Benjamin Church’s treason. Dr. Church was deeply involved in the patriot movement in Boston, having close relations with such people as Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, Joseph Warren and John

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The Battle of Germantown

The Battle of Germantown   On this day in history, October 4, 1777, the Battle of Germantown is a loss by the Americans. Rather than a psychological loss to the patriots, the battle proves that the Americans can stand up against Great Britain and even encourages European leaders to believe

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George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation

George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation   On this day in history, October 3, 1789, George Washington issues his Thanksgiving Proclamation, the first such proclamation from the government of the newly formed United States under its new Constitution. Washington issued the proclamation at the request of both houses of Congress, which is

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Benedict Arnold passes Norridgewock Falls

Benedict Arnold passes Norridgewock Falls   On this day in history, October 2, 1775, Benedict Arnold’s Quebec Expedition passes over Norridgewock Falls at the site of present day Norridgewock, Maine. Arnold’s expedition was part of the Continental Army campaign to capture Canada from the British at the beginning of the

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John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg is born

John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg is born   On this day in history, October 1, 1746, John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg is born. Muhlenberg was a Lutheran minister who rose to prominence as a general during the American Revolution and was later elected to serve in the US Congress.   Peter Muhlenberg

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The Battle of Edgar’s Lane

The Battle of Edgar’s Lane   On this day in history, September 30, 1778, the Battle of Edgar’s Lane takes place near Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, a small village 20 miles north of Manhattan island. During the summer of 1778, British General Henry Clinton was instructed to abandon the city of

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British spy, Major John Andre, is sentenced to death

British spy, Major John Andre, is sentenced to death   On this day in history, September 29, 1780, British spy Major John Andre is sentenced to death by hanging for his role in the Benedict Arnold treason affair. John Andre was born into a wealthy Swiss family in London in

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The Siege of Yorktown begins

The Siege of Yorktown begins   On this day in history, September 28, 1781, the Siege of Yorktown begins when George Washington leads the American and French armies out of Williamsburg to attack British General, Lord Charles Cornwallis.   In the summer of 1781, George Washington and his Continental Army

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Baylor’s Massacre takes place

Baylor’s Massacre takes place   On this day in history, September 27, 1778, Baylor’s Massacre takes place when dozens of Virginia militiamen are killed or wounded in a surprise attack as they sleep, in what is today River Vale, New Jersey.   26 year old George Baylor had served as

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