Benjamin Franklin sets sail for France

Benjamin Franklin sets sail for France   On this day in history, October 26, 1776, Benjamin Franklin sets sail for France as ambassador from the Continental Congress. The new United States was formed on July 4th only a few months before. One of the nation’s primary goals was to obtain

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John and Abigail Adams are married

John and Abigail Adams are married   On this day in history, October 25, 1764, John and Abigail Adams are married. They would become one of the most recognizable couples in American history, not only for their time in the White House when John was the 2nd President of the

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New Jersey patriot Elias Boudinot dies

New Jersey patriot Elias Boudinot dies   On this day in history, October 24, 1821, New Jersey patriot Elias Boudinot dies. Boudinot would serve as President of the Continental Congress, director of the United States Mint and President of the American Bible Society.   Elias Boudinot was born in 1740

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British fleet defeated on the Delaware River

British fleet defeated on the Delaware River   On this day in history, October 23, 1777, a British fleet on the Delaware River is defeated by patriot defenders from Fort Mifflin and the Pennsylvania State Navy. Forts Mifflin and Mercer were built on the Delaware River just south of Philadelphia

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Esther de Berdt Reed is born

Esther de Berdt Reed is born   On this day in history, October 22, 1746, Esther de Berdt Reed is born. She would lead the largest women’s group providing supplies for the Continental Army during the American Revolution.   Esther was born in London to Dennis de Berdt, who was

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The USS Constitution is Launched

The USS Constitution is Launched   On this day in history, October 21, 1797, the USS Constitution is launched in Boston Harbor. The Constitution is the world’s oldest commissioned naval ship still sailing. It was one of six ships built by the US Congress in 1797 to deal with the

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Robert Howe promoted to Major General

Robert Howe promoted to Major General   On this day in history, October 20, 1777, Robert Howe is promoted to major general of the Continental Army. Howe was one of only five North Carolinians to serve as generals in the Continental Army during the American Revolution and the only one

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Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown

Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown   On this day in history, October 19, 1781, British General Charles Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown. The Battle of Yorktown was the last major battle of the American Revolution. Although fighting did continue in various areas, peace negotiations began the following spring and eventually brought the

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The Burning of Falmouth

The Burning of Falmouth   On this day in history, October 18, 1775, the Burning of Falmouth, Massachusetts, takes place as part of a British campaign of retribution against coastal colonial towns for their support of the rebellion against Britain and their refusal to do business with the British. Falmouth,

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The Americans win the Battles of Saratoga

The Americans win the Battles of Saratoga   On this day in history, October 17, 1777, the Americans win the Battles of Saratoga when British General John Burgoyne surrenders more than 6,000 men at Saratoga. The battle is one of the most important of the American Revolution because the American

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