Marquis de Lafayette arranges to fight with the Americans

Marquis de Lafayette arranges to fight with the Americans   On this day in history, December 7, 1776, the Marquis de Lafayette arranges to fight with the Americans. Meeting with Silas Deane, one of the American ambassadors to Paris, Lafayette arranged to join the American war as a major general.

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Margaret Morris begins journaling the war in New Jersey

Margaret Morris begins journaling the war in New Jersey   On this day in history, December 6, 1776, Margaret Morris begins journaling about the war in New Jersey, a diary she would keep for the next seven months. Her diary is one of the best sources for information about the

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Battle of White Marsh begins

Battle of White Marsh begins   On this day in history, December 5, 1777, the Battle of White Marsh begins. Also known as the Battle of Edge Hill, this was the last battle of 1777 between George Washington’s forces and the British army occupying Philadelphia. The battle ensured the British

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News of the Victory at Saratoga reaches Paris

News of the Victory at Saratoga reaches Paris   On this day in history, December 4, 1777, news of the victory at Saratoga reaches Paris, paving the way for French involvement in the American Revolution. Earlier in 1777, British General John Burgoyne had embarked on a strategy to split the

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General Nathanael Greene takes over the Southern Department

General Nathanael Greene takes over the Southern Department   On this day in history, December 3, 1780, General Nathanael Greene takes over the Southern Department of the Continental Army after the Americans suffered a string of defeats in the southern states. General Robert Howe lost the city of Savannah, Georgia;

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General Richard Montgomery is born

General Richard Montgomery is born   On this day in history, December 2, 1738, General Richard Montgomery is born. Montgomery is best known for his failed attempt to capture the city of Quebec during the American Revolution and for his death during the battle.   Richard Montgomery was born and

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Continental Army winters at Morristown, New Jersey

Continental Army winters at Morristown, New Jersey   On this day in history, December 1, 1779, the Continental Army establishes winter headquarters at Morristown, New Jersey. George Washington’s army had suffered some serious defeats in the month’s leading up to what would turn out to be the harshest winter of

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Preliminary Treaty of Paris is signed

Preliminary Treaty of Paris is signed   On this day in history, November 30, 1782, the preliminary Treaty of Paris is signed, bringing the hostilities of the American Revolution to a close. The British government became more disposed to achieving peace with the Americans after the surrender of General Charles

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USS Lee captures British brigantine Nancy

USS Lee captures British brigantine Nancy   On this day in history, November 29, 1775, the USS Lee captures the British brigantine Nancy. George Washington and the Continental Army were besieging British held Boston at the time. The British troops were trapped in the city and the only way to

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Tea ship Dartmouth arrives in Boston Harbor

Tea ship Dartmouth arrives in Boston Harbor   On this day in history, November 27, 1773, the tea ship Dartmouth arrives in Boston Harbor. This was the first of three ships in Boston that would be involved in the Boston Tea Party. Taxes on tea was a longstanding issue between

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