Several years ago, the California Society of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution discussed the need to recognize participation by color guardsmen at the chapter and state level. The Baron von Steuben Medals (BVSM) were created by the CASSAR as an award for those color guardsmen participating on a regular basis in chapter or state events who otherwise may not qualify for a NSSAR Bronze, Silver or Gold Color Guard Medal.

A chapter may award a Bronze Baron von Steuben Color Guard Medal to a CASSAR member or non-member1 for continuing participation in color guard activities at the chapter or state level. Usually, one year of service as a color guardsman or a supporter of a color guard unit will qualify for the Bronze BVSM.

A silver Baron von Steuben Color Guard Medal shall be recommended by the CASSAR Color Guard Commander and presented by the CASSAR President at a Spring Meeting of the Membership or the fall Board of Mangers Meeting. A color guardsman with continuing service beyond the requirements for the Bronze BVSM equaling the requirement for the NSSAR Silver Color Guard Medal may receive the Silver Baron von Steuben Color Guard Medal.
Ladies who have earned a NSSAR Molly Pitcher Medal may receive a silver BVSM.

Only the CASSAR Color Guard Commander or CASSAR President may recommend the awarding of the Gold Baron von Steuben Color Guard Medal to no more than three color guardsmen annually. This medal should be presented for long and dedicated service to the CASSAR Color Guard. The Gold Baron von Steuben Color Guard Medal should be presented by the CASSAR President at either the annual Spring Meeting of the Membership or the fall Board of Managers Meetings of the CASSAR.
Outgoing CASSAR Color Guard Commanders should receive a Gold BVSM.

Presently, costs for the Bronze, Silver or Gold Baron von Steuben Color Guard Medal are $20 for the full- size and $18 for the miniature. The CASSAR Color Guard Commander will prepare a certificate. Normally, the CASSAR presents only the full-size medal. The miniature may be purchased by the recipient.
If the recipient has previously received the NSSAR Bronze, Silver or Gold Color Guard Medal, they automatically qualify for the CASSAR Bronze, Silver or Gold Baron von Steuben Color Guard Medal.
1 Non-members include, but aren’t limited to members of the CAR, DAR and SAR/CASSAR Ladies Auxiliary (ladies dressed in Colonial attire) who perform as Guardsmen, Drummers, Fifers or banner carriers (identifying the color guard they are accompanying as an SAR unit).